General Policy on Personal Data Protection of Marvel Instalaciones S.L.

Who is the Data Controller of your data?

Identity: Marvel Instalaciones S.L.
Postal address: Avda. Saenz de Tejada, s/n Edf. Fuengirola Centre Of. 103, 29640, Fuengirola, Malaga.
Contact Data Protection Office:

How will we treat your data?

In compliance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection, and in the context of the new regulatory framework established under the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the “General Regulation”), and the national regulations on the protection of personal data, we inform you that the personal data that you provide to us (hereinafter, the “Data”), will be processed by Marvel Instalaciones S.L., S.L., in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the “General Regulation”). (hereinafter, the “Data”), will be processed by Marvel Instalaciones S.L., with registered office at Avda. Saenz de Tejada, s/n Edf. Fuengirola Centre Of. 103, 29640, Fuengirola, Malaga.

You declare that the information and data you have provided us are accurate and truthful, and Marvel Instalaciones S.L. reserves the right to exclude from the services to those interested parties who have provided false data, without prejudice to legal action. You will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements you make and for any damages caused to Marvel Instalaciones S.L. or third parties.

All fields that appear in the forms on the website must be completed, so that the omission of any of them may make it impossible for us to respond to your request, unless the form itself has fields for voluntary completion.

Personal data will be treated with the legally required degree of protection to prevent any loss, alteration, unauthorized processing or access.

If by means of any form you provide us with personal data of other people, we warn you that you must do so with their consent and have informed them, in advance, of the points contained in this Privacy Policy. Likewise, Marvel Instalaciones S.L. undertakes to provide any third party whose data is provided to us with the relevant information, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the General Regulations.

If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact the Data Protection Office of Marvel Instalaciones S.L. by e-mail at

For what purposes and on what grounds do we process your personal data?

In general, your data will be processed by Marvel Instalaciones S.L. for the following purposes:

Management of your relationship with Marvel Instalaciones S.L.: Marvel Instalaciones S.L. may process your data for the management of your relationship with the entity, including the development of any operation necessary for the maintenance of the same.
2. Organization of services and events: Marvel Instalaciones S.L. organizes sweepstakes, contests and promotional events. In these cases, the interested party who wishes to participate will voluntarily register by filling in the forms provided by Marvel Instalaciones S.L. for this purpose. Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will process the data obtained through the participation forms in these services and events in order to manage the participation of the interested party, as well as the publication of the prizes, or any additional information that may be necessary, if applicable. This treatment will only be carried out if Marvel Instalaciones S.L. has the consent of the interested party.
3. Management of requests and applications: In order for Marvel Construction and Quality,
S.L. can manage those requests and applications that you send us, Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will process the information that you provide us with. This information will allow Marvel Instalaciones S.L. to be able to respond to them and provide you with solutions that meet your needs. Marvel Instalaciones S.L. undertakes to process the data obtained and provided by you for as long as they are necessary for the purpose described.
4. Sending newsletters and magazines: Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will send newsletters and magazines, as well as information on the activities and services of Marvel Instalaciones S.L., both by ordinary and electronic means, as long as you have consented to this treatment.
Whenever this processing is carried out by electronic means, it will be legitimised by the satisfaction of the legitimate interests of Marvel Instalaciones S.L., by virtue of the provisions of article 21 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, as well as the European Regulation on Electronic Commercial Communications. You may object to this processing at any time by contacting the Data Protection Office of Marvel Instalaciones S.L. at the aforementioned e-mail address.

This processing is based on the legitimate interest of Marvel Instalaciones S.L.. In order to improve our procedures, we may contact you to find out your level of satisfaction with them, so that we can improve those issues that require it for your greater satisfaction. You can always object to receiving any communication of this nature by contacting the Data Protection Office of Marvel Instalaciones S.L. at the aforementioned e-mail address.

5. Conducting surveys to customers or potential customers: In order to be able to verify the quality of the communications, the procedures of Marvel Instalaciones S.L., the treatment we offer you, as well as the products and services we make available, Marvel Instalaciones S.L. may carry out satisfaction surveys.

This processing is based on the legitimate interest of Marvel Instalaciones S.L.. In order to improve our procedures, we may contact you to find out your level of satisfaction with them, so that we can improve those issues that require it for your greater satisfaction. You can always object to receiving any communication of this nature by contacting the Data Protection Office of Marvel Instalaciones S.L. at the aforementioned e-mail address.
6. Communication of your personal data to third party collaborators and sponsors: Marvel Instalaciones S.L. may, on certain occasions, communicate your personal data to collaborators and sponsors for the development of commercial actions on their behalf (by mail, mailing, fax, SMS, e-mail and any telematic means), whether of a general nature or adapted to your personal characteristics, provided that you have given your consent through the form established for this purpose. We also inform you that you may object and/or withdraw your consent to this processing at any time.

How do we guarantee the security of your data?

Marvel Instalaciones S.L. maintains the security measures for the protection of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, and has established all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data you provide us with.

How will data of minors be processed?

Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will not collect or process personal data of minors under fourteen (14) years of age without fully complying with the requirements established in the applicable data protection regulations, with regard to compliance with the duty to inform and obtaining the necessary consents.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data to which you have access by virtue of your relationship with Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will be processed for as long as they are necessary for the management of the aforementioned purposes. In this sense, Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will keep the personal data once its relationship with you has ended, duly blocked, during the period of prescription of the actions that could derive from the relationship maintained with the interested party.

Once blocked, your data will be inaccessible to Marvel Instalaciones S.L., and will not be processed by Marvel Instalaciones S.L., except to make them available to the public administrations, judges and courts, in order to deal with any possible liabilities arising out of the

processing, as well as for the exercise and defence of claims before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Finally, and as long as you have not withdrawn your consent for this purpose, Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will keep your data in order to keep you up to date with Marvel Instalaciones S.L. products, events and services that may be of interest to you.

Who will receive your data?

Marvel Instalaciones S.L. will communicate your personal data to:

Public Bodies, Judges and Courts and, in general, competent Authorities, when Marvel Instalaciones S.L. is legally obliged to provide them.
2. Marvel Instalaciones S.L. has the collaboration of some third party service providers who have access to your personal data and who process the aforementioned data in the name and on behalf of Marvel Instalaciones S.L. as a consequence of their provision of services.
Marvel Instalaciones S.L. follows strict criteria for the selection of service providers in order to comply with its data protection obligations and undertakes to sign the corresponding data processing contract with them, imposing the following obligations, among others: to apply appropriate technical and organisational measures; to process the personal data for the agreed purposes and only in accordance with the documented instructions of Marvel Construcción y Calidad, S. L.; and to delete or return the data to Marvel Instalaciones S.L. once the services have been rendered. L.; and to delete or return the data to Marvel Instalaciones S.L. once the services have been provided.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

You may, in relation to those processing operations which are based on obtaining your consent, withdraw your consent through the procedure detailed in the following paragraph.

You may exercise, if you wish, your rights of access, rectification and deletion of data, as well as request that the processing of your personal data be limited, oppose the processing, request the portability of your data, and not be subject to automated individual decisions, by sending a written communication or by contacting Marvel Instalaciones S.L. at the following e-mail address:

You may also contact Marvel Instalaciones S.L. by post at the following address: Avda. Saenz de Tejada, s/n Edf. Fuengirola Centre Of. 103, 29640, Fuengirola, Malaga.

Before which authority can you exercise your claims?

Ud. podrá presentar una reclamación ante la Oficina de Protección de Datos de Marvel av

Construcción y Calidad, S.L., through the address, or at the address Avda. Saenz de Tejada, s/n Edf. Fuengirola Centre Of. 103, 29640, Fuengirola, Malaga, in order that we may satisfy your rights in this matter. In any case, you can always turn to the Spanish Data Protection Agency at C/ Jorge Juan 6, Madrid as the supervisory authority for data protection.

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